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Joz Norris


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Let’s Go Viral

I took part in a TV show where we had to compete to make the most viral TikTok, so I made this, which I think has huge viral potential, tapping into the “Kids say adorable things” trend. Let’s help it go super viral so I win the contest.

NonCensored – Time For Questions at London Podcast Festival

I’m back on the latest episode of Rosie Holt’s NonCensored, which was a live “Time For Questions” special recorded at the London Podcast Festival in which Sir Keir Starmer (myself), Harriet Langley-Swindon (Rosie Holt), Producer Martin (Brendan Murphy), Suella Braverman (Athena Kugblenu) and the Reverend Gerry Berry (Bilal Zafar) take the audience’s questions on the most […]

Needy Sex Robot

I wrote this absolutely cursed sketch with Miranda Holms for Pulped and gave either the best or worst performance of my life in it, not sure which. Louisa Keight is brilliant in it, as are Annie Bachini and Nim Odedra. Directed by Max Clendaniel. Produced by Georgia House. Robot costume by Luke Rollason. I can […]

Shortcom Sitcom Competition – Longlisted!

I’m very happy that my script The Happiness Chain has been longlisted for the Short Com Sitcom Competition! I’d usually say something like “And I’m in such great company!” but all entries are currently anonymised, so for now I’ll just say that there are some excellent titles in this list. Thanks so much to the judges for selecting the […]

New Website!

If you’ve ever been a frequent visitor to my old website, you’ll notice that things look very different around here. If you’re a brand new visitor to my website and have never been here before, then you’ll just notice that everything looks very nice and professional and cool and nice! That’s all down to ace […]

The Fruit Salad Therapy Tapes

A weekly creative newsletter. The Tapes function as an interactive notebook/sketchpad exploring comedy, art, creativity, making stuff, etc.. More Info.