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Joz Norris


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Movie Villain’s Big Day Is RUINED

These characters did well on Youtube, and the people demanded a sequel I’m afraid. This time, the Emperor’s been planning his big day, but it doesn’t go according to plan:


Sir Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of our hearts, is back on Rosie Holt’s NonCensored this week, and everything’s fine. Relax, guys, it’s all fine. The guy in the White House is not a crazy person. Everything’s good, actually. Don’t worry about it. Thanks as ever to the gang for having me on! You can listen […]

Keep It Fringe Funding

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been awarded Keep It Fringe Funding for my new show, You Wait. Time Passes, coming to the Edinburgh Fringe this year! As many of you know, I’ve spent much of the last 3 years applying the finishing touches to my life’s work, a top secret project that I have […]

Sound Heap Series 4

John-Luke Roberts’ award-winning podcast-of-too-many-podcasts, Sound Heap, is back for Series 4 on the Maximum Fun network! You can listen to the season premiere here, in which I play Randy Boink, a guest on the  Off With Their Heads podcast who has spent too long thinking about his own fantasy demise on Death Row. Enjoy, and thanks as […]

The Many Wrongs Up for a Chortle Award

The Many Wrongs Of Lord Christian Brighty, the wonderful Regency sitcom from Christian Brighty and Amy Greaves that I guest starred in a couple of episodes of last year, is up for a Chortle Award for Best Radio Comedy! Huge congrats to the entire team – I loved being a part of this show and I’m […]

Movie Villain Doesn’t Get The Reaction He Wanted

Another dumb sketch for your viewing pleasure. This one is inspired by Gladiator II:

Hugh Jackman’s Acting Masterclass

A dumb thing I put together for ACMS. Jackman fans, enjoy!

You Wait. Time Passes. at Leicester Comedy Festival: Trailer

After a sold-out WIP in 2024, I am returning to the Leicester Comedy Festival with the FULL SHOW next Sunday at Duffy’s for the amazing guys at Triple Cee Pee as part of the Weirdos & Friends Weekender! I don’t like to blow my own horn, but this show is the culmination of three decades of […]

Queenie Miller Productions for EdFringe ’25!

I’m very excited to announce that I’m teaming up with the amazing Queenie Miller Productions for the Edinburgh Fringe run of You Wait. Time Passes! I’ve not gone to Edinburgh with a producer in over ten years and have always self-produced, but I’m an old man now and will need the energy and nous of a […]

Eggbox – Thank You!

A huge thank you to the audience, writers, filmmakers, actors and everyone else who made mine and Miranda’s latest Eggbox show at the Pleasance a huge success! It was easily my favourite Eggbox so far, and I hope we continue to get to grow it into a useful and supportive place for the scripted comedy […]

A weekly creative newsletter. The Tapes function as an interactive notebook/sketchpad exploring comedy, art, creativity, making stuff, etc.. More Info.