Fruit Salad Therapy Tapes
I write a (more or less) weekly newsletter about comedy, art, creativity and other stuff that floats through my mind. It has a really lovely engaged readership who I love exchanging ideas with. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s thoughtful, sometimes it’s just a place to provide creative accountability for a community of other makers! Do feel free to delve in and join us. The community is over at Substack, where you can subscribe to the newsletter and join the chat, but I’ve archived every issue here for the sake of completism.
Browse the 173 Fruit Salad Therapy Tapes below.
Tape 68: Fringe Debrief
Fringe Debrief! Hello! Welcome back! How were your summers? Hope you all had a blast. I am, of course, back from the Edinburgh Fringe, the first full-scale one since the Great Pause of 2020. I’m well aware that the month I’ve had has given me enough stuff to think and talk about – both in […]
Tape 67: Negative Space
Negative Space This will likely be the last Therapy Tape for a few weeks, because as of next week I’m gonna be at the Edinburgh Fringe with Blink (come along if you’re up there! Have I mentioned that you should come along if you’re up there?) So, in recognition of the fact that this newsletter is going […]
Tape 66: Blink – A Reading & Listening List
Blink: A Reading & Listening List Many thanks to everyone who’s sent kind words about the mini-documentary I released last week about Blink and the collaborative approach we took to making it, and how and why. I’ve been really proud to try and prod and poke the “auteur theory” that revolves around a lot of Fringe show-making, and do […]
Tape 65: Pie-Eaters And Gardeners
Gardeners & Pie-Eaters It’s getting to the time of year when the atmosphere in the comedy community suddenly pivots either towards hyper-competitiveness, or towards the opposite extreme, one of mutual nurture and support, depending on people’s attitudes to the Edinburgh Fringe. As soon as it starts slouching over the horizon, people either start to nervously […]
Tape 64: Saying What You Mean By Hiding What You Mean
Saying What You Mean By Hiding What You Mean Forgive me if I’m sort of repeating myself this week – this week’s Tape will in some ways be a followup or companion piece to this Tape from earlier this year, in which I laid out my thoughts on meaning in comedy, and how to convey it. Although I have […]
Tape 63: Fear Of Failure, Fear Of Success
Fear of Failure, Fear of Success This week I had the pleasure of guesting on the brilliant Helen Bauer and Catherine Bohart’s podcast Trusty Hogs (you can listen to the episode here!) and a listener wrote in asking us to talk a little bit about what the Edinburgh Fringe actually is, because comedians talk about it a lot but to someone unfamiliar with it, […]
Tape 62: Your Locus Of Evaluation
Where Is Your Locus of Evaluation This week I met up with the excellent comedian Barry Ferns to have a big chat about process, and making stuff, and so on, and Barry introduced me to a psychotherapy theory I found really illuminating in terms of how I go about making comedy, and how I think about comedy […]
Tape 62: Notes From A Philosophy Festival
Notes From A Philosophy Festival I just got back from performing at How The Light Gets In in Hay-on-Wye, apparently the world’s largest philosophy festival. I went there with absolutely no idea what a philosophy audience would be like to perform a comedy show to, and also with low expectations of how many people at a philosophy […]
Tape 60: Comedy & Magic From An Audience’s Perspective
Magic & Comedy From an Audience’s-Eye View This week I’ve been working with a bunch of incredibly talented geniuses on a very fun, very cool, very secret R&D/workshop project for a magic show. I’m not allowed to say any more than that because we all signed NDAs, but the details aren’t important for the purposes […]
Tape 59: Podcasting
Podcasting: A Learning Curve Some thoughts on podcasting this week! As I said when I first launched this newsletter back in early 2021, its title was originally the title of an abandoned idea for a podcast way back in 2018/19, which I never managed to get anywhere with, despite the best support and hard work and encouragement […]
Tape 58: Strange Grief
Strange Grief This will probably be the most personal Therapy Tape I’ve written so far, and I hope it hasn’t crossed any sort of line. In the year-plus that I’ve been writing this newsletter, I’ve tried to make sure it’s more of an open exchange of creative ideas and less of a glorified public diary […]
Tape 57: Digital Declutter Outcomes & EdFringe Responses
EdFringe Solutions Update I’m back from my holiday! Hi. Hope you all had a great fortnight. I sure did. I made a wish on a magic nose, and met a skeleton, and swam in a lagoon. Anyway, before I left I set up a couple of group-based exchanges-of-ideas, and then left them dangling while I […]
Tape 56: What Do We Do About The Edinburgh Fringe?
What Do We Do About The Edinburgh Fringe? I’ll try not to write too much this week, because I’m going away on holiday tomorrow (so there won’t be a Therapy Tape next week) and I’ve got lots of things to wrap up before I go. So I’m going to hand over as much of this […]
Tape 55: Digital Declutter: Week 2
Digital Declutter: Week Two Last week I outlined my reasons and plan for undertaking Cal Newport’s month-long “Digital Declutter” for April, but didn’t get as far as sharing any of my struggles/findings etc so far. So this week I’ll give a bit of an update on it, though I promise not to write about it every week of […]
Tape 54: A Digital Declutter
A Digital Declutter Quite by coincidence, I found myself starting to read Cal Newport’s excellent book Digital Minimalism on the 1st of April, in which he puts forward the case for undertaking a month-long “Digital Declutter” in order to rethink and reshape your relationship with technology. It felt like a good opportunity to try and do one […]