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Joz Norris


Showing 24 results for: Sketch

Michael’s God-Daughter - October 2023 October 4th, 2023

Michael’s met his god-daughter (Explainer – I’m currently losing all interest in social media, and have decided the thing I can use it for that still vaguely chimes with my interests is to explore work-in-progress characters, stories and ideas that I’m putting together for more long-form scripted projects. So these Michael things aren’t “sketches” per […]

Filed Under:Sketch Writing

Michael: Pears - September 2023 September 29th, 2023

I’m always at a loss for how to use the hellscape of social media in a way that feels creatively productive, so I’ve decided to start using it as a place to share work-in-progress sketches of characters I’m working up for scripted projects. So this is Michael, he’s just learned how to eat a pear […]

Filed Under:Sketch

Let’s Go Viral - September 2023 September 26th, 2023

I took part in a TV show where we had to compete to make the most viral TikTok, so I made this, which I think has huge viral potential, tapping into the “Kids say adorable things” trend. Let’s help it go super viral so I win the contest.

Filed Under:Sketch TV

Needy Sex Robot - September 2023 September 22nd, 2023

I wrote this absolutely cursed sketch with Miranda Holms for Pulped and gave either the best or worst performance of my life in it, not sure which. Louisa Keight is brilliant in it, as are Annie Bachini and Nim Odedra. Directed by Max Clendaniel. Produced by Georgia House. Robot costume by Luke Rollason. I can […]

Filed Under:Sketch
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