Sir Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of our hearts, is back on Rosie Holt’s NonCensored this week, and everything’s fine. Relax, guys, it’s all fine. The guy in the White House is not a crazy person. Everything’s good, actually. Don’t worry about it. Thanks as ever to the gang for having me on! You can listen […]
It’s Podcast Day! This week, for those who DO want politics in their comedy podcasts, I appear as Rory Stewart in this week’s NonCensored, attempting to make amends for his wayward election predictions. You can listen here. And for those who DON’T want politics this of all weeks, I return to the Gargle to discuss […]
Following Keir Starmer’s not hugely inspiring performance at the Labour conference last week, he now makes an uncharacteristically downhearted return to Rosie Holt’s NonCensored podcast, lamenting that the job of Prime Minister is harder than he thought it would be. You can listen to the latest episode, co-starring Rosie Holt, Brendan Murphy, Eshaan Akbar and Esyllt Sears, […]
I’m back as Keir Starmer on Rosie Holt’s NonCensored this week, talking to Harriet and Colin Sense (Paul Dunphy) about the National Trust’s scones. Full disclosure, my internet connection was terrible for this recording so I’m not as involved in the debate as I’d have liked to have been, but that has been worked in […]
I was wrong, THIS is my final appearance on NonCensored for 2023, because I forgot this episode was being split into two. Here’s Keir Starmer on what he’s most looking forward to in 2024 (which we now know would probably be something to do with Thatcher, but we didn’t know that when we recorded this, […]
I’m back on NonCensored for one last time in 2023, looking back on Sir Keir Starmer’s highlight of the year, which is NOT the Barbenheimer double bill. It’s something even better. You can listen to the latest episode, co-starring Rosie Holt, Brendan Murphy, Eshaan Akbar, Sooz Kempner and William Sebag-Montefiore, here. Thanks to the gang […]