An assortment of written-down-things. Bitesize news updates, long-form newsletters and essays, and an assortment of other things people have said about me, if you MUST know.

What's Joz Been Up To?

Ongoing Therapy Tapes!
Tape 176: The Evolution Of Poster Design
I’ve spent the last few weeks, on and off, working with various incredible brains (art director Miranda Holms, photographer Oliver Holms, designer Will Andrews, producer Queenie Miller) developing and constructing the poster design for my new show (it’s called You Wait. Time Passes. and it’s coming to a wonderful comedy festival near you at some point in the […]
Tape 175: Aaaaaand Repeat
I’ve sat paralysed at my laptop for some time now, trying to work out what this week’s newsletter will be about. Truth is, I’ve been a little thrown off balance by the fact that this recent entry, about people who say “You couldn’t make such-and-such any more,” has become the most-read of these things I’ve ever […]
Tape 174: What Even IS Comedy Directing?
Last month I was chatting to a frequent collaborator and friend about a new idea we’ve just pitched into the Gods of Radio (pray for us! Cross your fingers! Send us your best vibes! It’s a documentary about pirates, kind of!). We were catching up on what we’d both been up to and I was […]