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Joz Norris


Hey Guys! (2015)

  • Hey Guys! (2015)

My 2015 Edinburgh Fringe show was very much a transitional one – it was the first show I made with Heroes of Fringe, the organisation that became my creative home over subsequent years, and therefore was the first show I made paying attention to what wanted to do instead of to what I thought other people would consider a “good show.” This show, therefore, was a bit of a whirlpool of daft stuff with no central theme, but had a good bit about The Shawshank Redemption and a fun routine about adopting a 90-year-old man as my son. It also had a bit where I walked an invisible dog. I performed it every day in a 100-seater room that was rarely full, but on the days it did get full, I had the best time.

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